Film archive footage is projected via a modified 16mm unit onto the eye of the artist, seen in performance at Vooruit Arts Centre, Ghent, 2006 and Brakkegrond Arts Centre, Amsterdam, 2007.

the projected material is re-filmed, visible both on the eye of the artist, and a screen placed behind the head, which is held in place using a replica victorian, photographic 'pose' stand. projection modifications by david leister. performer: phillip warnell

From the wild west days when my performance work was being covered live on Channel Four News...Endo-Ecto:

Endo-Ecto - dissolving letterforms in the artists' GI tract
Live capsule camera and letterform swallowed by the artist, relaying live images of letters and images as they journey through the GI tract - ingested letterforms compete for space and coverage with the body. ICA, London 2006. With The Arts Catalyst. Live coverage by Channel Four News. Repeated at the Medical Museion in Copenhagen in 2009.

'Guest + Host = Ghost'

X-ray of pill camera journeying through the artists GI tract
Arts Catalyst

Deeper, deeper & deeper
Live performance with breathing apparatus and personalised hypnotherapy tape. Performed at ICA, London in 1999. First performed in 1994.
A dive from the neck upwards...

An extended series of sonic performances of live gut and intestine orchestration. Colchester Arts Centre with LADA, 2001 and Galerie du Jour (Agnes b) 1999

untitled performance with atmosphere making device